Monday, March 26, 2007


¡Si! qué viva esta lengua madre, qué viva... y esto lo digo yo, porque así lo siento. Hoy dió inicio el IV Congreso Internacional de la Lengua Española con un homenaje a García Márquez. El mismo relató que no tenía los 83 pesos que costaba el envío de su borrador de Cien Años de Soledad, desde la ciudad de México hasta Argentina y optó por mandarlo en dos partes, aunque por equivocación primero despachó la segunda.
Una lengua de unidad, se dijo en Cartagena de Indias, Colombia. Este es mi idioma, la lengua que uso para pensar y decirle a mis amadas lo mucho que las quiero.


Lauren said...

That is so funny because I was talking in class today w/ some French Canadian s how there are a French and a Spanish language Congress, but none for English. I said I thought the Spanish Congress was every 10 years because I remember Eduardo talking about it when we were in Japan- is that correct?

daleth said...

Well... the first congress was in 1977, the second in 2001, the third in 2004 and now this in 2006, so, it seems like they have so much fun that they meet sooner and sooner every time.

Anonymous said...

The first one was in 1997 - Pollo and I looked it up because we were so sure it was when we were in Japan. I think they are going to try to do it every 3 years.

FYI It is now 2007 - the other day I wrote 05 on the board as being the date - needless to say my students laughed their butts off.