Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Next movie...

Finally.... after months and months waiting to watch this movie I'll be able to do it! and than I can have my last veredict about the Oscar's nominated movies directed by mexicans. Pan's labyrinth is mostly a Spaniard production with some cooperation from México, Guillermo Del Toro, Director and the Artistic Director are mexicans, in fact this last one, won the Oscar.

Besides Babel, directed by Gónzalez-Iñarritu, is Children of Men directed by Alfonso Cuarón.

And... Yes.... "El marido está de regreso" or husband is home. So now I can share the next movie with him. When he is away I can see movies he never would watch, like "Devil Wears Prada" or The Queen. What I learnt from Meryl Streep's movie is that some shoes I own, are "ugly".... In the Queen, the guy that plays Tony Blair is almost his twin, and she is superb, great acting.


Anonymous said...

Yes, I though The Queen was fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Children of Men...I want to see..but maybe too violent for me! I'm a wimp!

Lauren said...

The radio program "Fresh Air" on NPR had a very interesting interview with the director last week. I didn't hear it all - but the parts I did were great. {Among other things his grandmother was so Catholic that she put upside down soda bottle caps in his shoes so when he walked to school he would feel how Jesus suffered!}

You can listen to it online at npr.org

daleth said...

I will listen to. Probably that grandmother experience made Guillermo Del Toro a sensitive guy, but in a different way "la abuela" wanted, now he can make excellent movies.

daleth said...

A propósito Caroline....If you did see "Clockwork Orange" you can bear Children of Men.