Saturday, June 24, 2006

Viva el drama, México.

Viva el drama! I don't have anything to say about Mexico-Argentina game, just that we lost, and mexicans played well (today). That is our team, some day they play like today, others, well, they just don't know what they are doing. Why is that the best goal of the world cup had happen to us?, and why we had to play the most dramatic game seen in Germany 2006, so far? Because... we are Mexicans!... As Frida Kahlo said "Arbol de la esperanza mantente firme" or "Tree of Hope, Stand Firm".

Hoy se termina la participación de México en Alemania 2006, algo que reprocharle al equipo por el partido contra Argentina?, pienso que nada, jugaron bien, con estilo, técnica, ganas, el rival no era fácil, todos fuimos testigos de un buen juego. El drama nunca nos abandona, Argentina remató con el mejor gol de la copa del mundo hasta ahora y México jugó el mejor partido en mucho tiempo, tambien el más dramático hasta el momento dentro del mundial, y por que razón... Por que somos Mexicanos, el drama está en nuestros genes, como dijo Frida Kahlo: Arbol de la esperanza, mantente firme.


Lauren said...

I think they read your blog post where you said they were not really a good teama and decided to show you.

Yes they really did play great- and yes that final goal really was beautiful.

At least Mexico isn't the team that has to play Germany next...

Anonymous said...

Mexico did play really well. They can hold their heads high,