Sunday, July 02, 2006

Maravillosa, jornada electoral.

Election day, it was a nice and pacific day for all mexicans, 60% of registered voters went to vote. In Mexico city the Martinez Family got up early, ready to be at opening time at the voting place. We are watching t.v late in the night and 49% of the counting for the voting places (casillas electorales) say PAN is winning, but the Federal Electoral Institute is going to count one vote by one (again), to prevent Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador (PRD) will open his big mouth -I suppose-. People are supporting PRD at the main plaza in Mexico city, as well Felipe Calderon (PAN) out side his headquarters.

Mexico tuvo una buena jornada electoral, pacifica y sin broncas, a estas horas de la noche (mas de las doce), y con el conteo del 49% de las casillas electorales, el PAN va ganando para presidente, diputados y senadores. Sin embargo, Andres Manuel tenia que salir diciendo que le estan robando la eleccion y que el IFE tiene que respetar SUS datos (cuales, me pregunto), segun el, lleva la delantera con 500,000 votos, pero no cito ninguna encuesta, al contrario de Felipe. La diferencia es corta, pero evidente. Ojala le baje el estress al PEJE y acepte su virtual derrota, o al menos sea prudente y espere hasta que el IFE tenga todos los datos.


Lauren said...

After living through 2000 here- I would highly advice Lopez Obrador to open his big mouth. I thought Gore was being so respectful saying he wanted to wait for the votes to be counted. Meanwhile Bush acted like he was the winner- and it worked.

Lopex Obrador is just playing the game- and being smart.

Lauren said...

With 49% of the vote yes PAN is ahead- but the margin is closing quickly. They were ahead by a much bigger margin earlier in the evening. If that trend continued at the same rate- PRD would win.

Again Obrador has every reason to be on the offensive. The trends are going his way- but it would be very easy for the media tomorrow to start talking about the PAN victory....

Anonymous said...

Durante el gobierno de Fox 4 millones de Mexicanos emigraron, autenticos damnificados de la inpetitud de un gobierno disfuncional.

Rusia, Iran, Venezuela, casi todos los paises petroleros estan disfrutando de una mini bonanza, producto del influjo exta de divisas. Solo en paises como Mexico y Nigeria los ingresos extra se han desvanecido.

Ahora este gobierno es premiado con otro sexenio, porque hicieron lo que los republicanos de Rove saben hacer: Hacer una campana donde llenan de mierda y lodo al oponente, hasta el que el IFE les dijo "ya Falipe, eso es ilegal, detente" pero el dano estaba hecho: todos lo ricos y los pendejos votaron por Fox-Calderon.

Ahora si que es un triste dia para Mexico. Otros seis anos de polarizacion de la riqueza y de emigracion record