Monday, June 19, 2006

Vacaciones ya estan aqui.

Summer is here and I'm very excited about it, no more trips to take the girls to school and pick them up, one at 12:30 and the other at 3:00, no more lunches, and morning rushes. But the best part is that we have very nice vacations ahead. My girls and I are going to Mexico, unfortunately Pepe is not joining us because probably he is going to be away.
In our plans is Pátzcuaro in the state of Michoacán (circled in red).
Pátzcuaro is a small town with roots in the indigenous past of México, the Purepecha people. One of its natural attractions is a beautiful lake with nine little islands and the volcano land surrounding.
Pátzcuaro became a city of the viceroyalty of New Spain (México). Until now we can see churches and buildings of that period. Today this place offers fine art-crafts with fabrics and wood, also delicious dishes of regional and local cuisine; mmm can't wait!

I want Aitana and Bidane to be in different places of México, in contact with the culture and way of life, bonding with family too. In Pátzcuaro lives uncle Victor Martínez.

Estamos muy contentas ya se acercan las vacaciones de verano. Las niñas se merecen un descanso de la actividad escolar y yo de idas y venidas para llevarlas y traerlas. Nuestro entusiasmo es evidente porque nos iremos de vacaciones a México, en nuestra mira entre otros lugares, Patzcuaro, Mich. Con su lago y sus islas, los uchepos y corundas, el pasado colonial y purepecha. Este viaje lo hacemos principalmente para que aprecien México en verano de lluvia y tengan un contacto cultural mayor con el pais y sus costumbres. Sin dejar atrás los lazos familiares. En Patzcuaro vive el padrino y tio Victor Martínez.


Anonymous said...

That looks so beautiful. I understand wanting your children to be in touch with their roots, that's why I go to Europe every summer and visit family and friends. This year we're going to England and to Italy. I can't wait!

daleth said...

yes, we can't wait, later I'll post more about our trip.

Germany said...

Buen viaje!