Wednesday, September 26, 2007

All the way from Tijuana.

Today I went "wild" and bought the latest work of Tijuana native, Julieta Venegas, "Sal y Limón". I love the way she puts together her music and lyrics, she uses the accordion. That sound always liked me, maybe, because my elementary school music teacher used to played it, sounds melancholic to me and festive at the same time, I don't know, but Julieta plays it very well.

If you want to see the clip of my favorite song from the track, Me voy, I highly recommend it. Don't be afraid of not understanding what she says. In Mexico and many parts of the world where people don't speak English, still they listen to Madonna, Green Day, Morrisey, who ever!


lydiafdc said...

I love it! She's got a great voice...

Anonymous said...

You're so funny..."wild". I love this woman's music..thanks for the when are you going to burn the CD for me :)

Lauren said...

I downloaded it from iTunes earlier in the year. I love it.

Anonymous said...

I would merry her tommroowwwww

daleth said...

Calla boca Eduardo! estas de aniversario, te acuerdas?

Germany said...

A este Pollito no se le quita lo Gallito ;-)