Thursday, January 25, 2007

Oh my Aitana ya tiene 9!

Aitana tiene 9, y para acompañarla en su cumpleaños su abuelita Paca vino a visitarla.

Aitana is 9 years old already! and I'm posting about her birthday a week after, what a mamá she has...

Her abuelita (Pepe's ma) came to visit to spend the important day with her.
We had a last-minute party, since Pepe wasn't here we didn't plan any celebration until the last minute.
Thanks to all of you. That happy birthday song touched me deeply.

I remember when she was born in a snowy winter in Canada, when I looked through my hospital room window I just saw a white scene covering the entire town. And there she was with her dark hair and nice tanned skin.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was a fun party. Thank you!! and happy bday again Aitana!