Monday, January 22, 2007

Have you made your numeros?

Quien hizo propositos de ano nuevo? Yo si tengo un proposito por cumplir, sin embargo me he puesto de plazo hasta mi cumpleanos para cumplirlo, es decir me quedan todavia 9 meses para desarrollarlo. Sin embargo, hoy escuche en las noticias que este dia es el peor para aquellos como yo, con propositos de ano nuevo, pues nos damos cuenta que no hemos hecho nada por cumplirlos y para colmo, empiezan a llegar las cuentas que pagar! Lo cual pone de malas a cualquiera.

Yesterday I was talking with Pepe about what I need to acomplish this year, since I'm going to be 40, my objective is a big one, so I put as a dead line octuber, but there are steps that I need to take to get there, and need to put action before it is to late. I took my box with notes and more notes, getting lost in so many things I have accumulated through the years, it seems like every january I write something about the moths gone and what I want from the new year, and my preoccupations are basically the same year after year.
Suddenly on the radio something caught my attention, TODAY IS THE GLOOMIEST DAY OF THE YEAR! because persons like me find themselves that nothing is been done to start with the new objectives, the bills of spendings are coming and every thing seems no caminando.


Anonymous said...

My New Year's Resolution is to get a divorce...ha ha...sorry, not funny...but as the expression goes...."You have to laugh or you'll cry".

Anonymous said...

Daleth te deseo que hagas tu mejor esfuerzo para llegar a tu meta y si no lo logras Yo que ya tengo 6 meses deantiguedad en los 40`s te digo que lo mejor se presenta en cuanto cruzas la linea, hay mas seguridad y estabilidad para lograr objetivos. SUERTE!!
Tio Cavi