Monday, June 18, 2007

Sunday last minute.

For father's day we headed south to Ensenada, to visit Bodegas Santo Tomás (a winery). Since Pepe enjoys to much the wine culture and being a fan of this Mexican wine, we made our minds just in the morning and one hour later we were in the car.

The place is located almost downtown Ensenada, and what engaged Pepe the most, is the fact of the paintings that are exhibition in that place, he just put a post about it.

In short, those paintings were made by Jesús Helguera, guy famous by his pictures of cotidianity and everyday life, most of the paintings in the tasting room, have a bit of humor and some sort of romance about what could it be a Mission's life and the friars making wine.


daleth said...

Can you guess what is Pepe's gift?

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Looks like we were all drunk this weekend! ha ha!

daleth said...

that's funny!!

Lauren said...

Cool photos! We got your message - we were out having a fun father's day. Next time lets all go!

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's all go..because I find it hard to believe that there's an award winning wine in Baja!! :) Some of the wine I had on Saturday was not so great!!