Monday, April 24, 2006

Earth day

Usually around this day the data comes every year maybe worst that the last one, global warming, co2 emissions, deforestation, loss of rain forest, marine and sweet water pollution, you name it. But since earth day is a sum of other consciousness-raising efforts like human rights, anti-war protests, too. I rise the question: what every body is doing in homes and every day life to reduce pollution? Maybe you recycle, but what about the other "R": reduce and rehuse. Have you ever sent a letter to some company saying that their business are wrong? Do you support the effort of one organization that makes good things?, do you care if food on your table come from far away or if to manufacturate your clothes there is a good paid for the workers, have you ever traveled green?. So, today that is the next day of earth day, please have a little moment to think about the way you can help.

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