Saturday, January 26, 2008

A very happy Snape

Today I dragged the entire family to watch U2 3D, it was awesome, awesome!!!!!. Bidane was happy to be my company at the first place, but she was the first to protest after the first song, but decided to make it easy and fall asleep. For Aitana was a little bit noisy, but I'm sure she enjoyed it and will remember it when she grows up. She denies knowing all the songs from the concert, but I'm pretty positive she has heard all of them, many times.

(click over the image)

Maybe my husband doesn't remember but I think the first movie we watched together as a couple, even he got my ticket, was Rattle and Hum with U2. This time I was very moved, I cried with the song Beautiful Day. Another moment was when Bono sings Miss Sarajevo and makes the opera part of Pavarotti. -So beautiful.- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE THEM. I won't put words talking about Pepe's experience with this movie, or which was his favorite part, but as me, he enjoyed.

A lot of episodes of my life are linked to their music, from the beginning of my relation-ship with Pepe, my pregnancy with Aitana. Bidane as a toddler saying to people that her dad was in Vertigo, instead of telling that he was working some place in the world (I don't remember where), just to talk about few things.

Even better than the real thing.

Monday, January 21, 2008

La pequeña hortaliza.

En la escuela de las niñas de nombre SDCCS, tenemos un proyecto de hortalizas y jardinería, que ha resultado muy interesante. El viernes pasado los estudiantes tuvieron la primer oportunidad de cosechar lechugas y rábanos del cajón de 4to grado, al cual pertenece Aitana. Para el interesado en ver lo hermosos de las lechugas, los brócilis y el perejil, etre otros, click aquí, al blog de Lydia.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Mama Snape

Have you seen Harry Potter movies or have read the books? I bet you have... if not, well this is Severus Snape, the potion Master at Howgarts. I have said to my girls that I feel sympathy for this character, he is almost my favorite one, even though, he "seems"not to be a good guy, I like his style.

Well, recently I went to have a hair cut, the stylists girl, insisted on me to dye my hair back into my "natural color", because I had "redish" resembles from last January. I said - o.k dye my hair girl- so she did. The kids immediately noticed that, insisting I really look like Snape, as if that was my intention, looking Snapy some other member of my family of four said...You can figure it out who HE is.

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I never, ever give up to books, specially if I borrow them from the library, the due date helps me to focus. 0nce I put myself to read, I finish, even if I don't like what I'm reading; but this time, I'm sorry to tell you, and if Isabel Allende happens to read my blog (ha-ha), probably she will feel uncomfortable knowing that somebody just put away what she created with lots of care (I think), and on top of things criticizes. That is the reason I read from beginning to end most of the books in my hands, - for respect to the author-.

But this time...this time I just couldn't, the book was in Spanish no reason to get tired in the English comprehension, the worst is that I left like 50 pages untouched, I almost got it, but the due renewed date came, I didn't have the mood to go to the library and have a chat with the librarian to change from one card to another, besides it was overdue, I was deep in my effort to finish it, that I never noticed it was overdue. Feeling angry and frustrated I thought,- come on, you are not going to finish it-, night after night I found my self fallen asleep, waking up later to turn the light off probably after 1:00, I don't think my husband with jet lag from his long trip from Australia would feel happy with that.

Every reader is different, and the circumstance of the reading time is not the same for each of us, probably you would enjoy it, as many people did. But I found the narrative rather boring, it talks about the way El Zorro, became El Zorro, his adventures to do so are non-sense, he joins a secret society of justice, a group of gypsies and is inspired by a pirate to get his out-fit. I came to the conclusion that Isabel Allende got the character and his abilities, as good athlete, good with the sword, and then thought about an spectacular almost from the circus way to get his "heroic powers". I'm o.k that she choose the period of Diego de la Vega to become El Zorro, it is just the way: too big ears, he needed to cover them with the mask... Is this a joke or what.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Linda y hermosa niña cumple 10.

My little girls is 10 years old, she is the most sweet and beautiful pumpkin pie over the face of this world.

She was born in the middle of a cold Canadian winter, I remember a terrible storm covered from Montreal to New Brunswick (the province where we were living at that time), but luckily for us it skipped the little city of Fredericton. Many families were out of electricity for days, and I was just very scared that we had to face that, mostly because we "Mexicans" knew very little about the cold-snowy-winter of far north.

When the doctor placed her little body over my tummy, I was surprised of how warm she was, a crying baby with lots of hair. I wish I had known better to enjoy her more, but I had no experience, and worried a lot for many things, but I was lucky with her, because she was gentle and nice with her mama, as she was aware that I needed help.

La más bonita de las niñas cumple 10 años. Estoy féliz y orgullosa de la persona en que mi hermosa "goyita" se está convirtiendo.

For her 10th birthday our family took her to the beach to have a great time around her aunts, uncle, grand parents and her beloved cousins, Gene y Jorge.

Para festejar sus 10 años nos fuimos a la playa y nos divertimos mucho!

Friday, January 11, 2008

Solo Huerta

Panoramica de los Huerta.

Huerta is my last name. My sisters complain I don't post anything from my family when I come back from visiting them.

Papá y yo.

Eblyn, Ruth y Jorge (sisters and one of my brothers)

Mamá y Aitana.

The power of the kings.

We celebrated The Three Wise Kings in my parents house, as the traditions says, the Kings or "Los Reyes" brought some presents to the girls, who put their shoes to be filled out. But this time (in our case), the kids get any thing the Kings want to give them, no petitions allowed.
This year the children got something special, a letter from the "orient" where the kings come from. Through this letter the "Wise Men" make some behavior recommendations, like be good and don't be too wimpy (Bidane), because really, one as a parent need some help from the big guys to support our every day sayings as, clean your room, pick up your toys, you don't need to cry for this, and so on.

By evening we had pieces of bread (called rosca de reyes) with hot chocolate, we were very happy to share this moment with my parents, sisters, my cousin Licho and my beloved aunt Luisa, who is big sister to my dad.
Tia Luisa is a great inspiration, she just have a great way to see things, you never have heard somebody describing sunsets as her. I have so many wonderful memories from her house, with banana, mango and avocado trees and she planting mint o talking with her birds, sewing or putting sugar in her coffee with delicate movements, trying not to hit the walls of her cup.

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Bidane para la tia Eblyn y Papá

Para Eblyn, que lo pidió y para Pepe que se perdió la diversión en la playa. Bidane decidió cantar y bailar para sus primos y tias, durante nuestra estancia en la playa, y para tal efecto, nada mejor que una canción de Julieta Venegas.

Bidane perfomes in the middle of the beach fun for cousins and aunts a song from Julieta Venegas!
By the way, I was right when I decided to introduce the girls to Julieta Venegas, now they are big fans, I love it.

Para empezar.

We are back! As you know the girls and I traveled south after Christmas to visit my family, we had a great time. To open mouth about telling you our trip, I can open with a curiosity.

My guess is that "this somebody" (see the tag on the leftt, Lauren?) missed the Iowa caucus....
Instead of snow, they decided to spend January 3 on a beach town.

Stay tunned for more about Bucerias (the beach town)our traveling and my home state in Mexico.