Sunday, March 02, 2008


We finally put together the schedule for our trip to Yucatan.... yay! Please take a look to our "flyer", click to enlarge.

click to enlarge.


ma otter said... guys have really put together an incredible sounding trip!! i like the layout too...very easy to understand. so cool!

daleth said...
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daleth said...

To be honest we worked hard on this, it looks like something simple, but really took us months to put together, choose hotels, the tours, days and dates, etc. I need to say too, that we are not charging for any fees. The numbers are the simple sum and calculation of flights, hotels, ruins guides, entrance fees and more or less a estimate of renting transportation. I said my partner that flying from T.J could cost less, but she insisted on U.S departure.
Everybody is invited to join us, could happen that we can maintain the cost the lowest.

Lauren said...

that is so cool!


Amy said...

I meant to say did a great job putting this together.., I can appreciate all the work that went into it...maybe a new career for you, travel agent...mmm