This pyramid among other ruins in the Uxmal complex, is a beautiful and attractive building of 117 feet tall, some papers call it the Magician pyramid, but in Mexico this is named after "the one the practices divinations" (La piramide del Adivino). The Legend says that when a certain gong was sounded, the town of Uxmal would fall to a boy "not born of woman". One day, a dwarf boy, who had been raised from an egg by a witch, sounded the gong and struck fear into the ruler, who ordered him to be executed. The ruler promised that the boy’s life would be saved if he could perform three impossible tasks, one of which was to build a giant pyramid in a single night. The boy achieved all the tasks, and became the new ruler.
Uxmal is located along the Puuc route. Since puuc is a mayan word for hills, we can imagine this area of the Maya world as the most "hilly" among a bast territory of flatness that the Yucatan peninsula represents.
Along the Puuc route we do not just find Uxmal, but another cities as well, Kabah, Labna and Sayil. The Puuc cities represent a great deal of Mayan architecture, the buildings festooned with religious icon, reliefs and carvings.
Climbing this pyramid and exploring the other ruins in this archaeological site, would empower our curiosity as the past explorers and archaeologists did, when they did find for first time this footprint from the ancient. A big respect and admiration for those civilizations.
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