Tuesday, November 27, 2007

O.k I'm tagged

Para que digas, tu la traes a otros bloggeros:

1. Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 random and/or weird things about yourself.
3. Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs. {or less if I already tagged pretty much every blog you know!}
4. Let each person know that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Lo raro:

1. All the way from middle school people tell me, "you are weird".
2. Because I was unusually tall for a Mexican girl, my feet were bigger too, so in 8th grade my grandma went to a shoe maker and ordered shoes for me, they turned to be the most horrible thing ever, but even though I wore them at school. Imagine the result.
3. While cheering up my High School football (no soccer) team, I was punched by a flying lime on the eye.
4. I was snorkeling in a wet suit, when I realized I had stomach issues...I made it to the shore though, Ha.
5. I didn't drive until we moved to live in San Diego, 7 years ago.
6. I think I have phobias towards mice and frogs.
7. My boyfriend with long hair, had a motorcycle and we rode a lot....Weird... He was Pepe.
Plus: my 4th grader corrects my spelling and edition.

Tu la traes Pepe


Lauren said...

I love your list!

Especially about your long haired, motorcycle riding boyfriend!

Anonymous said...

I love you list...my favorite is being "punched" in the eye with a lime!

ma otter said...

I didn't learn to drive until I was 23 which is late by california standards...but I went to high school and part of college in NYC where you dont need a car.
I was so nervous when I learned that i wouldn't go on the freeway for a year!
love your TAG!

Amy said...

Great List !! Pepe was an Easy Rider !! That's great.. We should have a party, all of us, just talking about these subjects...lots of laughs for sure.

Anonymous said...

let's try Amy's idea on SAturday, after a couple of drinks.

lydiafdc said...

Shawn and I went shoe shopping for mothers day one year and we would just laugh over the tiny Italian shoes and my feet...let's just say I'm not known for petite feet either.