Friday, December 08, 2006


You know.... Big controversy in Mexico. Mel Gibson went there last year to shoot Apocalypto, he called a Costa Rican actor working in Mexico, to be one of the important characters. He made him act, and now that the movie is out, that guy realized he was replaced for an Apache or similiar Native American (with respect to the Natives American) to play his role.
Everybody knows producers and so, can make what ever they want with their movies, but why Mel Gibson wanted to change actors, a guy that learnt mayan for this other guy?
That is true the first actor is not a famous man in Mexico, but he was expecting to make it big after this movie.
Oh well, I hope nothing like that happen to us ever, working hard, expecting something good after, and then, NADA.


Anonymous said...

Mel Gibson is a freak!! but it appears that he's a decent Director..damn!

Martihuerta said...

It seems the movie is ultraviolent and explicit bits of skull bone and chopped guts get stick in the camera lens.
You'll be fine as long as don't expect to learn anything from the Mayas in the movie

Anonymous said...

I won't be going to see it!! Too much violence for me! Also I'm boycotting him.