Friday, January 23, 2009

Guacamole, Obama?

Obama, Obama, RA.RA.RA. That was just a Mexican Cheer song.

I'm happily impressed by Obama's extended family, people of different "origins" but every body making one. So colorful, so rich.

And one more thing that reflects Obama rich culture is his food preference, that happens to be MEXICAN. But not what is common in this country, "burritous and taquitous". -No, pues- he likes the real thing. I just read he goes to Topolobampo, a Chicago restaurat owned by one of my favorites Chefs, Rick Bayless.

Rick Bayless is a researcher and creative of Mexican cuisine, so probably Obama has tasted better Mexican delicatessen that my self. So, Obama, -buen provecho-.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Feliz cumpleaños

Este año he visto como has crecido, aunque siempre veré a mi bebé en esa carita.
Te quiere, mamá.