Lucky too, because friends have offered their places to stay in case of we need, thank you all!
Scenes of fire I just have seen them on t.v, even though the Harris fire (south east) is not so far from where we live, every thing seems calm, except for the smoke cloud and little ashes. Isn't that being lucky?

We have electricity, internet, phone service, running water.
Our place is something not very far from the Sweet Water reservoir, where helicopters fill their tanks to fight flames in the southeast part of the County. Now is kind of a relief the winds calmed down a little and they can work.
Did you know we have electricity because Baja California, Mexico, facilitated energy from there?
Esas cosas si lo hacen sentir a uno bien.
Wow..we are feeling incredibily lucky to..
Well, they say its about 10% of the total power.
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