NO, today is not my birthday, but as the date comes and my back still hurts, I keep thinking I want to be under a rock.
Why didn't I plan to make any celebration? Because planning a party for my-self is not exactly a fun thing to do -for me-, I stress a lot, and the hostess skills are not my strong side, that is why I don't work on Hooters. Ha!!!!!
My friends have planned parties for me in the past, but some have turned confusing. So relying on my friends is like a bad-luck-thing now. I remember one, for my 23 my fellow students in the Geology department decided to surprise me. I think it was a nice surprise-party. Every body told me about the drinks, the nice cake, the great companion, some professors joined the gathering, every body was there, except ME.
Yes. I didn't showed up for my very first and only surprise party my friends have made for me, it was such a secret that I never figured it up. Bummer!!!!! The good thing is that they kept going on their party.

In conclusion, I'm just glad I have the opportunity to be 40, and ask I can be on this earth for a longer time.
Yes, it might be a little lonely all by yourself, but still..sounds quite fun! You will just have to get Luis Figo to meet you in Madrid or Sevilla :)
Happy 40th!
Happy B-day!
I highly recommend a week on a tropical island with your husband.... Maybe for the big 40!
Or maybe just some drinks out with the girls?? When is the actual day??
Happy bday Daleth!!
Mi querida Daleth
Llego el dia y es imposible evitarlo por tanto mi querida cuñada solo queda disfrutar el tiempo presente sin importar que pasa, si piensas recapitular las 4 decadas busca solo lo positivo y piensa en lo bueno que quieres hacer en el corto plazo para tu propio gusto.
pero mientras solo pasa bien.
con cariño te deseo Feliz cumpleaños.
Muchos besos
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