My house is invaded with Harry Potter books and audiobooks about the same, since summer started. Aitana wasn't very interested on the story, until she decided it was time to start reading the books, she is finishing the third now, and since then, everything is about Harry Potter, but being Pokémon another high ranking topic in this household, well, what a good idea to combine them!

I have to confess that thanks to Lauren (yes, I know she is being saying that the series of Harry Potter is so good) and that we went to watch the last movie, I'm hooked too!, now I read the profiles of the characters in Wikkipedia and so far, it is been a good strategy to skip the books, it is not I don't like to read, but I need to catch every body else, at least until the fifth book.
Is wonderful how one solely person, invented a universe of characters, personalities, backgrounds, stories, good and evil battle, HOW IMPRESSIVE!, That is imagination.
Yes...Harry Potter is amazing. I think it will be one of our fondest memories (mine and my kids') when the kiddies are all grown up..and with Isabel turning 10 in a couple of weeks that doesn't seem so far away anymore!!
Yes once again I will say - you have to read the books - or at least the books from 3 on.
I agree with Caroline - HP will be one of y fondest memories later on too. I know Annie feels that way!
whats funny is that I usually want to keep my feelings about a book private because it feels like MY book...weird, I know, and Mac feels the same way...but there's something about the timing of this book and the movies that there is this incredible feeling of sharing it with the WHOLE WORLD. The night the 7th book came out when we read it on the way home in the car I knew that thousands of other families were doing the same thing...really cool...and it just happens to be fabulous writing besides!!
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