Big thanks to all of you that join us for the celebration! We had fun and Bidane feels very special every time she is the center of the attention.
I made her wish and baked a cake that turn to be a almost- Jiggly-Puff pokémon. Really I made my biggest effort, but I'm a terrible cake-maker... Why? I do not know. I followed the recipe, I oiled the pan very carefully before I put the batter on. I made every thing that it is supposed to do, but yet the product is not what I want. I'm waiting for the God of the cakes talents to shower me with grace and cake skills.
It frustrates me more because from my Dad's side, I have a family of very good cake-makers, my aunt and cousins are just the best. Inside of me, I hope, some day the ideal cake comes out of my hands.
So far, Bidane was happy with her Jiggly-Puff and it is all about.
Felicidades mi niña bonita, muchas felicidades, contenta con el pastel que mamá le horneó, en forma del pokémon favorito. Aunque éste no sea exactamente el que haya tenido el mejor sabor o las mas linda decoración.
pos a mi si me gustó... pa'l café
what are you talking about,,,that cake is so jigglypuff!! and bidane's smile is priceless! happy late b-day!
I loved the cake !! Ask Don, he loved it to !!
felicidades bidane te envio besos y abrazos, te deje recado en el telefono buscalo tu abuelo chente,,,
bien por las palomas y las margaritas mi pepe
I thought the cake was great too!
I am sure the reason it wasn't perfect is your oven's fault, not yours.
It was a fun party - and a big kiss for the birthday girl.
Por lo que cabe al pastel seguro que mejoraras con los años no te preocupes.
Lo importante fue la felicidad que provocaste en el corazon de Bidane y eso es lo que de verdad cuenta.
!! Feliz Cumpleaños !! a mi BIDANE por sus 6 años.
Un beso con todo mi amor.
The cake was delicious. Not too sweet! I loved it! It was also a very nice party.
I cannot beieve you think that is a bad cake...before I even read the post I knew that was a pokemon!!
Happy belated bday Bidane...xo
If your cakes are anything like your banana muffins, then they must be fabulous!! I agree it's probably your oven that is the problem...maybe try to pull it out a couple minutes earlier than what the recipe says or try changing the temperature, who knows...
Feliz Cumple!
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