But well, what reflexion comes to me with this M-day? Of course, the first one is that motherhood is a difficult task involving all kind of skills, that I don't know if I cover all of them. -possibly not-. Because, sometimes I get frustrated, I get angry and lost in the middle of my thoughts and questions to my-self, if I'm doing a good job with my two girls.
But as Frodo Baggings (from the Lord of the Rings), this task is appointed to me, and just me is the one that can do it!
For me having them both since the day of their birth, placed over my ached tummy, warm and still curled, crying with red faces, made me undestood that motherhood is more about them than me. That the woman they know as mamá was born that day too.
When Aitana was a little girl, I used to ask her: How did you do to be such a beuty inside of me? And she said, I did it alone.
Keep them warm, not hungy and happy, is all what they need. How? charge it to my bill girls, I'll figure it out!
Feliz Dia de las Madres!
Not flesh of my flesh.
nor bone of my bone but still miraculously
Don't ever forget, even for one single minute,
you didn't grow under my heart...
Beautiful post Daleth! I would guess more work went into it than it seems.
Felicidades a todas las Mamis! Es especial a mi querida esposa.
That's lovely!! and I know for sure that I could never have written that in Spanish. Your English is muy impressive!!!
Happy Mother's Day!
Feliz diá de las Mamacitas!
Keep the good work and the faith!
Hola Daleth te mando un abrazo muy muy grande, tu tambine me sacaste unos lagrimones con tu mensaje (la segunda parte) me gusto mucho la frase donde explicas que el dia que nacio Aitana tambien nacio una Madre. Cuidate mucho. besos
Tu cuñado David
La foto del dia sobre mi hermosa Bidane-mafalda es una de las fotos que mas me gusta de Bidane. Amo a mi sobrina y la extraño mucho. (carambas, estoy tan sensible esta mañana que tambien se salireron otras lagrimas por lo de Pepe y Bono y por que extraño a mis sobrinas divinas, cuidalas mucho y mandales besos.
Tio Cavi
Thank you! Gracias... thank you, muy agradecida.
Amazing! You can tell that you are of course a great mom. I love that you see yourself re-born when Aitana was born.
Feliz dia de las madres??
Daleth... I always forget to check your blog because I assume it will be in spanish...I will not forget from now on. You write beautifully and expressed how I have felt about motherhood. Can I link you?
Thank you Annie. Of course you can link me.
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