It is Bono's birthday, 47... If it wasn't for Bono, I would never get close to Pepe. At that time He (pepe) was one of a kind guy, he used to listen to U2 and one of the first movies we went together to watch, was Rattle and Hum, probaly he doesn't rememeber. And... the last date we had, happened when we went to see U2 in their San Diego concert, that exciment lasted until these days.
Anyway I like Bono, I admire Bono, love his songs, his voice, and his social responsible mind.
and he's Irish...and that's a great picture!!
What do you mean your "last date"...before you got married??
Caroline, the concert was two years ago, since then, we don't get out "alone"...
You need to get out "alone" together! I love Bono too...he's a celebrity that remains persistent in his character (for the better).
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