Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Bienvenida Alondra. Cora, esposa de Eduardo (mi hermano), dió a luz a su segunda hija, nos da gusto que todo haya salido bien y las dos se encuentren en buen estado.
Friday, May 25, 2007
Art Night and Rainforest poetry

Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Féliz cumple papá
Next movie...

Besides Babel, directed by Gónzalez-Iñarritu, is Children of Men directed by Alfonso Cuarón.
And... Yes.... "El marido está de regreso" or husband is home. So now I can share the next movie with him. When he is away I can see movies he never would watch, like "Devil Wears Prada" or The Queen. What I learnt from Meryl Streep's movie is that some shoes I own, are "ugly".... In the Queen, the guy that plays Tony Blair is almost his twin, and she is superb, great acting.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Nice banana.

There are days, some days when I just want to be brave enough to wear a hat with a banana and not care about what people think of me, that would make laugh my girls, at least Bidane would be thrilled. Or maybe just going "bananas" for a while.
I tell you... almost 5 weeks with no husband, running the house, the driving and everything my-self is affecting my spirits.
He is coming back soon, though.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Dos languages dos

For the english speakers that could sound a normal process of learning, but for me is much more, she learns, I learn.
I have to help with words that are not natural to me, and now I'm convinced the english is a language with "difficulties", -no offense- to read it, the child almost needs to memorize that see is see and sea is sea, you know? or that cross is cross instead of krs (like Bidane thinks).
I remember when I started to read, I could do it in a three months process, from september to december, by that I was able to write my Christmas letter, because in spanish one reads putting together one phonetic sound with a vowel, just five vowels sounds (all words have this combination at least once, like "si") and it is written as it sounds.
I did notice such confussion with Aitana, but she some way has a talent to write and soon she was over those difficulties, but Bidane, curious and logical as she is, she is starting to think that me is mee, becuase two e is e, in me too!( I know there is rule with ee that sounds "i" to my-self). When I say -me is me- she reacts like I'm crazy -by the way you don't speak english, mamá-, she possibly thinks.
You have to be a witness of our reading sessions, I say, "see is ver", "sea is mar"... And we don't start our spanish lesson yet...
Monday, May 14, 2007
There are some "danimals" looking your eyes...
What do the "danimals" (youghurt) want of me? -I asked Bidane- while she holding a pacakage of four danimals in front of me, and I was looking at the news in my computer... Well, she said, one of them wants to be eaten...I just thought that was cute from her.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Pokémon, quien da más?...
Bidane has a pack of cards that she got at school and it is her treasure.
Today we went to the thrift store (un bazar), Aitana & Bidane found a pokémon ball, they wanted it so much, -I said, O.K you can have it- It is just two dollars Aitana jumped excited. It was wrapped in a sealed bag, when shaked it, we knew somethig was in it. So finally after the whole day expecting and anxious to open it. -I used it as a reward to good behaviour-, we found, it was a collection card, "23 karat gold plated pokémon card".
I went to the internet and learnt its price is 10-50 dlls. It doesn't have a box, so according to my "Antique Road Show" training, probably it will worth inside the low range. This is the first time something like this happen to me, buying something collectible, thinking it is just more stuff to pick up from the floor.
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Happy Birthday to U.
It is Bono's birthday, 47... If it wasn't for Bono, I would never get close to Pepe. At that time He (pepe) was one of a kind guy, he used to listen to U2 and one of the first movies we went together to watch, was Rattle and Hum, probaly he doesn't rememeber. And... the last date we had, happened when we went to see U2 in their San Diego concert, that exciment lasted until these days.
Anyway I like Bono, I admire Bono, love his songs, his voice, and his social responsible mind.
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Para un dia de las madres.

But well, what reflexion comes to me with this M-day? Of course, the first one is that motherhood is a difficult task involving all kind of skills, that I don't know if I cover all of them. -possibly not-. Because, sometimes I get frustrated, I get angry and lost in the middle of my thoughts and questions to my-self, if I'm doing a good job with my two girls.
But as Frodo Baggings (from the Lord of the Rings), this task is appointed to me, and just me is the one that can do it!
For me having them both since the day of their birth, placed over my ached tummy, warm and still curled, crying with red faces, made me undestood that motherhood is more about them than me. That the woman they know as mamá was born that day too.
When Aitana was a little girl, I used to ask her: How did you do to be such a beuty inside of me? And she said, I did it alone.
Keep them warm, not hungy and happy, is all what they need. How? charge it to my bill girls, I'll figure it out!
Feliz Dia de las Madres!
Not flesh of my flesh.
nor bone of my bone but still miraculously
Don't ever forget, even for one single minute,
you didn't grow under my heart...
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Always Frida.

Why this woman drags so much attention 50 years after her dead, like if our desire is that she would be alive?
Remember, this 2007 we celebrate her 100th birhday!
Sunday, May 06, 2007
En cueros, encuerados, sin ropa.

The scenario is the main plaza of the city, called El Zócalo, the building with the sun behind is the Palacio Nacional, or the Goverment Palace, to the left the Aztec ruins of Templo Mayor (they are ground level), and some Colonial palaces and buildings at the back.
Foto de El Universal
Saturday, May 05, 2007
Carrera por la literatura.
Friday, May 04, 2007
Who is that girl?
Tuesday, May 01, 2007
El pais está para enchiladas.
Ayer escuché comentarios acerca de que alguien en la Federación Internacional de Futbol Asociación (FIFA), dijo que si Sudafrica no está lista para llevar a cabo el Mundial del 2010, entonces México lo puede hacer.... Si, claro....
Creí entonces que era una cortesía de la FIFA, como decimos, nomás por no dejar y que en México dirian que no, gracias.
Ahora resulta que si, -que como no-. Bueno, como si el país entero estuviera para hospedar a miles de turistas de todo el mundo, la seguridad es de primera, los transportes son insuperables y por supuesto, los estadios son de vanguardia... Eso tal vez en el mundial del '70, porque ni en el '86 se presentaban esas condiciones.
A menos que los organizadores de la Copa del Mundo esten hartos de torear mexicanos borrachos, gritones y según ellos muy pachangueros. Y prefieran contenerlos en su propio territorio, a que anden haciendo destrozos en Inglaterra, Australia o España, en donde sí hay estadios en buenas condiciones, mejores servicios y seguridad....
Esa es la triste realidad, yo y muchos, quisieramos que México presentara condiciones insuperables en todos los áspectos, pero un Mundial es cosa grande.
Creí entonces que era una cortesía de la FIFA, como decimos, nomás por no dejar y que en México dirian que no, gracias.
Ahora resulta que si, -que como no-. Bueno, como si el país entero estuviera para hospedar a miles de turistas de todo el mundo, la seguridad es de primera, los transportes son insuperables y por supuesto, los estadios son de vanguardia... Eso tal vez en el mundial del '70, porque ni en el '86 se presentaban esas condiciones.
A menos que los organizadores de la Copa del Mundo esten hartos de torear mexicanos borrachos, gritones y según ellos muy pachangueros. Y prefieran contenerlos en su propio territorio, a que anden haciendo destrozos en Inglaterra, Australia o España, en donde sí hay estadios en buenas condiciones, mejores servicios y seguridad....
Esa es la triste realidad, yo y muchos, quisieramos que México presentara condiciones insuperables en todos los áspectos, pero un Mundial es cosa grande.
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