I liked the uniforms of Italy, specially the goalie's, I would like to know if Italian really have a better sense of beauty or if they just put a little more effort and creativity, the rest of the team is blue with numbers and names in gold. Something funny about Italians is that they can't stand the italian royal house, non member of that family is allowed to put a foot in Italy. But they are still using the blue color of the royal house of Savoy, go figure.
Los italianos tan guapos como siempre, me he preguntado, los escogen por buenos mozos o por buenos jugadores?, increible, ambas cosas se conjuguen en un solo equipo. Los uniformes muy elegantes, los mas bonitos de todos los mostrados hasta ahora, con su distintivo color azúl. Si alguien se ha preguntado por que azúl, si la bandera es verblcrojo? El azúl corresponde a la casa real de Italia, los Savoy, que por cierto, estan expulsados del país y no se les permite su re-ingreso.

Oh God! what is happening to Figo, does he need somebody to rub his foot?.... I rised my hand first, anybody after is second, ok?
Que le pasa a Figo... necesitará ayuda? pido mano para consolarle en su mal trance, cualquier(a) interesada(o) se va a la fila.
Buh Huh! I thought he was more machito... hahahaha
me, me, me..I'm second. I don't mind if I'm second as long as I get a turn.hahahahahahaah.
poor baby, I hope he's okay. We can't have our Figo out of the World Cup!
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