Early in the morning today, half-way sleeping I heard something in the news: an Italian singer said that the mexican women are ugly and have mustache, the only one that saves the day is Salma Hayek. Maybe he is right we are not particularly pretty woman, but we are very proud of our woman- symbol with mustache: Frida kahlo.
Hoy por la mañana, todavia medio dormida, escuché en las noticias que un cantante italiano (desconozco el nombre), dijo que las mujeres mexicanas son feas y tienen bigote, la única que se salva es Salma Hayek. Siempre he pensado que no nos caracterizamos por ser mujeres bonitas y espectaculares, pero aun asi contamos con un simbolo mundial femenino con bigote: Frida Kahlo.
Go Frieda!
My blog has been active because I have been going to work a bit just to answer the phone. I have a bunch of time just sitting at a desk- with a computer!
Frida Kahlo... otro objeto de interés, aqui pretendia yo hacer un análisis de su vestuario y razones por las que lo adoptó, este proyecto tambien lo tengo en espera desde hace tres años, tambien tengo notas... :)
I love Frida Kahlo, in fact I have three posters and pictures of her in my house. The Mexican women are beautiful and strong. Tell that stupid commentator to shut up!!
Daleth, Daleth.....you know that the one that make tha comment was Andreas Boccelli, he tought he was Kissing a woman when he kissed Vicente Fernandez....Mexican women ugly? hahaha....no way ! We have some of the most beautiful women in the world !!!
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