I don't kwnow how to start this, if talking about the magazine cover and Julia Roberts as mother Earth and Fairy Woods, or really saying how impress I'm by the fact that the green movement is getting GLAMOUR! (Vanity Fair of May got a special green issue). I suppose those things are not opposite, you can be green with style buying for your-self organic products that are even more expensive than before because now they are IN. But I don't need to be pessimistic, instead start to believe in the true efforts some famous people are making about the environment. Like Julia, we can go the the store and return "religiously" the grocery bags... It seems like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has a lot of credential concerning to the environment (despite nobody talked to him about controlling the over-population on the planet, he has 6 children), and Clooney who was the first "American" to buy a Tango a $70,000 fully electric, zero-emission car (do you think he uses the car in U.S or Italy? or he has two). But something apart is Al Gore, I remember a book from the 90's where he speaks out about pollution and global warming, he is been working about the issue from long ago. But why nice-people is turning to the green color? Could it be the reason that their beach front houses will be the first to be washed out when the sea rises?. Well, I feel I've been sarcastic enough, for now I'll choose from the green gifts pg. 88 the White & Warren cashmere care detergent ($18), "biodegradable and scented with lemongrass and sage, it affects my cashmere in the same way it affects the planet -extending preservation and smelling really good".
1 comment:
OH my God Cashmire eco-friendly cleaner- that sounds like a joke! Jesus if anything could make liberals look bad that is it!
There was another surge in celebrities talking about the environment during the 20 yr. anniversary of Earth Day back in 1990. I guess these things come and go. It is nice that they bring attention to the issue- but I also think your cynacism is well put.
I have thought the same thing about over population and RFK Jr. However I really love him- he has a great radio program on the weekends on Air America called "Ring of Fire".
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