Monday, February 15, 2010

The perfomers.

I almost forgot. My Nena had a birthday Jan. 15th, she turned 12. I asked her almost a month before -what do you want for your bd?- She wasn't sure, didn't come with a single idea, so I suggested to go for whale watching. She was very pleased, since I have to say, she is an animal-lover, but not just in the cute kind of way. She really is a savvy of many things, so she enjoyed the adventure a lot. I hope one day we can go to Baja California Sur for a closer encounter with the gray whales.

So far, it was good.
And now. About the posting's title.

When I was a girl, school girl, I made it into several plays. I liked to perform, even I was kind of an artist. But I think my girls go beyond what I was or intended to be. Both are really good writers and like to dance, which wasn't my strong talent. Aitana is even a good drawer and very creative doing so.

The last projects for both of them was a video clip, Bidane made it for water conservation concerns and Aitana danced as a fire for a school project, to demostrate the wild fires destructions and consequences. -Lucky girls- Pepe knows how to use this devices to video clips.


Eki Tiana said... info travel to Indonesia

m.b. said...

Those pictures are so beautiful. Happy birthday! Where were they taken?