the growth and development of my daugthter, I can't believe it.
She is becoming under my eyes, the most sweet and intelligent creature on earth, very talented, centered girl.
XXXXXXX my love.
O.k and in other order of ideas....I should re-take this blog, right? At least to post our experiences. I've been very happy and bussy these days. For example, last week we celebrated earthday and the 5th graders organized a nice fair at school, this beautiful young lady had a booth with a friend and they educated boys and girls with an animal game. The school-garden had a booth too and we invited an expert on seedballs (co-worker of mine), to show the kids an effective and better method of planting.
Just a week ago, the girls and I went to help clean up Chollas Creek and made restoration by planting native plants and getting rid of the invasive ones. -Very cool-
Also, we had the opening season of Vernetta's dance studio. As every year, the girls participated by dancing tap.
love the picture and, yes!, your girl is growing up to be such a graceful beauty...
great post.
welcome back!
ps the flowers you brought to the party are the absolutely most beautiful flowers I have ever received. what are they, do you know?
I brought them home and completely love them!
I want to grow them!
Bravo Daleth regresaste con una hermosa foto de Aitana, en verdad que es una niña muy linda y la vida le debe dar cosa fantasticas si las sabe encontrar. Tu sabes cuanto quiero a tus hijas y estoy muy contento que las procuyres y les cultives tantas cosas. Felicidades muchas tambien por ti. Continua en el blog no nos abandones aunque seamos tres los que te leemos. besos Tio dAvid
lovely post and what a nice picture!
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