I'm not a historian, or a Mayan scholar, not even have read it all the Popol Vuh, but I can assume that for this people, the monkeys were important figures, as well as key presence for the health of the rain forest as seed distributors.
In our trip we visited a Spider Monkey Reserve, called Punta Laguna or Otoch ma'ax yetel kooh (House of the monkey and puma in Maya language). This reserve is a big effort of the local community

to preserve their forest. Mostly farmers (campesinos) and chicleros (getting chewing gum from a tree), these people organized themselves in a cooperative to run their eco-tours, and maintain the place, their beautiful habitat as nice as it can be. The guides, Mayan origin people are very friendly and reliable. The women sell their art-crafts in a system where they share the days of the week
They provide guided tours along the forest paths, their facilities are rustic, but very clean, and of course as this village doesn't have total access to electricity or other urban commodities that tourist are used to and in many cases are harmful to the environment, is important the reserve maintain at the minimum bad effects of the so called "civilization" activities.
Visitors can see the spider monkeys just as they live in nature, they are not in any confined place, they are not in a controlled weather facility, they eat, play, sleep and mate free in their home.

We were lucky to spot a group of 12 monkeys with 3 babies, our guide, told us, the babies were born in spring, we spent a long time just looking at them, as they playfully throw at us some fruit from the tree.

Right: Cenote entrance
Supporting this kind of efforts is very important to the communities of people trying to preserve, to the wild animals, as these are one of the few natural refugees to them. Punta Laguna is not just for spider monkeys, on the other side of the lake, there are more wild animals, as the name of the reserve in maya is said, even house of the Puma.
Please, if you are visiting Yucatan or have friends going to this magical place, don't forget Punta Laguna.
your pictures and experiences continue to amaze!
so cool!
En verdad que en la manera que nos describes este viaje al menos a mi me lleva a creer que pasaron unos dias formidables y llenas de extraoridnarias experiencias, bien por ti y el esfuerzo de llevar a tus hijas y considera la opcion de escribir o narrar tienes muchas cualidades. bien por el paseo y por ti...........quiero MAS!!!
Tio David
Otoch ma'ax ye queee??? traduceme!! de verdad se ven chulas las crias viendo changos con sus binoculares, pero acaso son binoculares hechos en casa con tubos de papel de baño¡¡
jejeje, Oye pues no he visto Timbits, si supiera que son, al menos sabria por donde buscar, no son esas criaturitas mitad ardilla mita perrito de las praderas verdad??? por que no creo que se los coman aca comadre... jajajaja
Wow...you went just about everywhere...so cool!
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