She was born in the middle of a cold Canadian winter, I remember a terrible storm covered from Montreal to New Brunswick (the province where we were living at that time), but luckily for us it skipped the little city of Fredericton. Many families were out of electricity for days, and I was just very scared that we had to face that, mostly because we "Mexicans" knew very little about the cold-snowy-winter of far north.

La más bonita de las niñas cumple 10 años. Estoy féliz y orgullosa de la persona en que mi hermosa "goyita" se está convirtiendo.

For her 10th birthday our family took her to the beach to have a great time around her aunts, uncle, grand parents and her beloved cousins, Gene y Jorge.

Beautiful post - lovely tribute to a lovely girl!
I am very emotional too about Aida turning 10 in a couple months - double digits seems so big to me.
feliz cunpleaños AITANA, tu abuelito, abuelita, Eblyn,Gene, Jorgito,Paloma y Alondra, te deseamos felicidad. Sigue igual de buena e inteligente mi niña.
felicidades tambien para la mama Daleth y papa Pepe, por darnos una sobrina tan bonita como Aitana.
como andaban hace 10 años? acuerdan?
Happy Birthday to Aitana. As a mother of a 10 year old!! ..yes it is a big birthday......and very exciting to see these lovely girls grow up.
felicidades!!! te quiero mucho mucho saludos desde tepic
awwwww...I can feel the love you have for your girl!! Happy Birthday Aitana (and Happy BIRTHday've done a great job for 10 years!!)
Very Sweet Daleth ! Happy 10th Birthday to you Aitana !
Feliz Cumpleaños para mi sobrina y como todos yo tambien envio un gran abrazo a la Mama por tan hermosa niña que estas criando.
Aitana Happy, Happy Birthday !!!!!
Besos de Dulce Aurora, Gaby y David
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