Have you heard about the voting process for the "
New Wonders of the World"?
Well, I find it an absurd and suspicious. To ask people to "vote", over what they think is the most fantastic thing made by mankind, and include the most popular among a Top 7.

Why the Christ of Rio de Janeiro, would be a better Christ that this you find along the way from Tijuana to Ensenada?

This silly example, applies for the this voting thing. "Wonders" that are not included in the list, like Palenque or Teotihuacan, deserved as much respect and AWE, that the ones that would be in the top 7. Just because those in the list, probably have big corporations and Governments support, (including Chichen Itza in Mexico) that doesn't mean they don't represent a big effort of people and expression of their culture, engineering and architecture.
Okay..ummm...I think you may have used a bad example!! :) but I agree with you "in theory".
When we were driving to Ensenada last summer the kids thought that big Jesus was cool. Right when we were on our way home Pablo yelled, "First one to see Jesus wins!"
That has become a famous line in our family.
I love it..."first one to see Jesus wins"...I may use that w/ my mom :)
I agree, Daleth...the poll should be much broader...allow pwople to randomly send in pics of their favs or something?
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