Fantástico, Increíble, Wonderful, Beautiful!!!
Great jobs from all the participants.
All the school's community so happy to be in our new facility.
Todo sucedió en el auditorio de las instalaciones que tendrá la escuela, desde el próximo año escolar en adelante. Gran emoción Bidane y Aitana estuvieron presentes en el show.
Aitana made a performance of a jaguar... música de Jorge Reyes, poema escrito por ella misma.
Bidane was a part of the pinguin dance and she danced as a "Fairy" too.
Bidane, doble participación como pinguino y como balerina.
We had as well, good performances from very nice friends.
Sounds like everyone had a great time. I hope some of it was video taped. Great mask Pepe!
(FYI I responded to your "brown" question over at my place....
my camera died so i am glad to see someone took pics...loved aitanas performance art and bidane was precious, (in Emmetts top three along with the belly dancers and the band!)
when caroline sees the pic of isabel...guaranteed tears!!
Great Pictures ! Fabulous Mask Pepe ! We loved Bidane with all here smiles and sugar plum dance, Chloe was so proud of her. Aitana was great to...loved her jauguar, so captivatiing... Loved it all !!
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