When accidents, illness or so kind of disgrace happen to some body; in many cases, people promise "ex-votos," that it is a kind of painting representing the cure of the illness, an escape of an accident and so on. In those little paintings has to be the saint which is responsible of the miracle and the person favored with it.
The second saint ranking as the most miraculous is "El Santo Niño de Atocha", is an image, little statute of a boy, represented Jesus as a child, and it is located in a church in a town of the state of Zacatecas.
The folk-tales say that this figure steps out from his place and goes around, making little miracles or playing (as a boy he is). Just days ago, people visiting the church, had a sight of the child standing up, over the cupule of the church.
If you see with attention the picture above, the little figure has a white dress and some kind of a hat.
Now, I say it is easy for the authorities of the church to have a double of the little figure, hide one and to make believe that the child moved place, and put him in some other one. But don't you think it is risky for the guy who could move the figure up there, climb over the cupule to put him on, just for the sake of the miracle?
But people believe it, now they claim miracle, miracle.... I don't put people faith in doubt, there are people with a lot of faith, that is o.k with me. But really believing that the little figure moved by him-self in some kind of autonomous locomotion, it is just... well.
By the way, ¡¡¡Santo Niño de Atocha!!! is an expression of surprise used in Mexico, when something unexpected is happening.
1 comment:
I'm going to use that when someone surprises..me Oh..."Santo Nino de Atocha"!!! I'm sure you'd all laugh hard to hear me say it!
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