Ok, here I'm, a little tired, but don't want to let go more days before I post something. So... here you have "algo" from last week or days before.

American girl place, si eres niña y casi nueve, este es el lugar mas emocionante de la tierra.

Bobsleigh champions, papá e hija... ha, ha, ha, Los Martínez.
El punto azul, osea yo.

Old Town y Dia de los Reyes Magos.

Feliz Dia de Reyes, every body had a rosca piece. Thank you Arredonalds for having us and remember: you got the tamales, I put the house... just kidding, I can make tamales too.

El zoo.
I like your comment half Spanish, half English. It makes me work harder! I was missing your blog..thanks for the new pictures!
Gracias Daleth por las imagenes y los comentarios, se ve que la pasaron bien. Saludos a todos incluyendo a la Abuela Paca.
Tio Cavi
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