Last thursday while Aitana was in her dance class, Bidane and I walked to Starbucks. For me as ussual, asked for a "tall" latte, Bidane wanted juice, she is always happy going to that place, she looks the cookies expectant that I say: o.k have a cookie if you like- that never happened, so I think she keeps faith some day it would.
Pepe always complained about my thursday coffee in Starbucks: that coffee is so expensive... in Spain (since he traveled to Spain, he is so "español") you have "un cortado" for 1.50. I believe him, and I see it, in Borders you get it for less the price Starbucks charges.
Anyway I just wanted coffee and a little walk with my girl; that day I noticed in the coffee shop they offer bottled water, it suppose you buy and they send profits to Ethiopan children, something like that. I thought that's cool, supporting the children of Africa.
Then on Friday I found something interesting on the internet about a movie called Black Gold, the crisis of coffee prices and issues between Starbucks and Ethiopan producers... (ahhh). That made me re-think my Starbucks consumption.
I've always believed that Starbucks made committments with social issues and environmental ones, in fact you see the paper lavel they have, it says "Starbucks is committed to reducing our environmental impact through increased use of post-consumer recycled materials. Help us help the planet". All the image they have is about things like that, they have even "won awards" related to the same.
So, the problem is they do not pay "fairtrade" to the producers and if you want a fairtrade coffee from them, you need to ask for it, it is not part of their "tall, grande, whatever"choices, if you want it, they will press it just for you... and you have to pay more...! and of course, if the employee get confused when you ask for a small size, imagine when you say "fairtrade".
They sell water to help children of Ethiopia, but they do not pay fair prices to the coffee producers from the same country, still selling its grandes and talls so expensive...!
Now as a conclussion, I'm not a "fairtrade- organic, fanatic" consumer yet, but if a company campaigns it self as committed, helpful to the world, and asks more money for their products, at least I expect from them what they offer.
For my little girl will not be anymore walkings to Starbucks, probably we will find better thing to do.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunday, January 28, 2007
A lo Francés

Ahora de nuevo, alguna otra escritora se mete en lo intrinseco de la respuesta para las "Americanas", señala que si te comportas como las francesas lo hacen en cada estación del año, posiblemente logres ser delgada: come sopas en invierno, esparragos y fresas en primavera, tomates y asados en verano asi como peras y papas en otoño.
Si bien, viviendo a lo francés tal vez te mantengas delgada, seguramente el paso del tiempo no dejará de hacer su trabajo (como muestra ahi esta Brigitte Bardot), a lo cual "las Americanas" si tienen una solución: la cirugía.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Beckham es el príncipe valiente de Disney.

I'm not the kind of person that would love to sponsor Disney, but well, just for fun it is o.k. This picture is part of the new campaign to Disney parks. It seems that his new home will give him more jobs to do, apparently Hollywood is happy having him around.
Friday, January 26, 2007
De ecoaventura

Have you heard about David de Rothchild? he is member of the english nobility, I found his photo in the National Geographic magazine, not in "People or Hello". But what it dragged me was not his looks, but that he is an activist: Environmental crusader & adventurer, "que taaaaaaal"!
I found it interesting, he is exactly a modern version of his 18th and 19th centuries english-gentleman-ancestors, looking for geographic adventures around the globe, interested by nature and using his money to try understand the earth processes. He travels to the north pole or talks about global warming.
I say his web site is cool, he tries to "inspire environmental awarness among children", I don't see anything wrong being rich and green at the same time, but I wonder if this ecological adventure of his is the way to show up his brilliant feathers or really a profound commitment for a better place.
It is not uncommon to see famous people or powerful ones trying to aware others about the environment or social issues, see Bono as example. The message is all that we need to do is a common effort.
I wish organic products and those that use new technology were less expensive and every body could have acces to them, not just Julia Roberts and George Clooney. I will put an every day example of this, it is supposed Starbucks brings fair trade coffee and supports post recycled material and every body feels fine when buying from a social responsible company, but their coffe is superior expensive that a local coffee shop! Coffee after oil is the next trade product in the world! so... who is winning here.
Any way, support social responsibility and environmental awarness, but see from whom you consume.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Viva! American girls

Bidane y Don Gato
Oh my Aitana ya tiene 9!
Aitana tiene 9, y para acompañarla en su cumpleaños su abuelita Paca vino a visitarla.
Aitana is 9 years old already! and I'm posting about her birthday a week after, what a mamá she has...
Her abuelita (Pepe's ma) came to visit to spend the important day with her.
We had a last-minute party, since Pepe wasn't here we didn't plan any celebration until the last minute.
Thanks to all of you. That happy birthday song touched me deeply.
I remember when she was born in a snowy winter in Canada, when I looked through my hospital room window I just saw a white scene covering the entire town. And there she was with her dark hair and nice tanned skin.
Aitana is 9 years old already! and I'm posting about her birthday a week after, what a mamá she has...
Her abuelita (Pepe's ma) came to visit to spend the important day with her.

Monday, January 22, 2007
Have you made your numeros?
Quien hizo propositos de ano nuevo? Yo si tengo un proposito por cumplir, sin embargo me he puesto de plazo hasta mi cumpleanos para cumplirlo, es decir me quedan todavia 9 meses para desarrollarlo. Sin embargo, hoy escuche en las noticias que este dia es el peor para aquellos como yo, con propositos de ano nuevo, pues nos damos cuenta que no hemos hecho nada por cumplirlos y para colmo, empiezan a llegar las cuentas que pagar! Lo cual pone de malas a cualquiera.
Yesterday I was talking with Pepe about what I need to acomplish this year, since I'm going to be 40, my objective is a big one, so I put as a dead line octuber, but there are steps that I need to take to get there, and need to put action before it is to late. I took my box with notes and more notes, getting lost in so many things I have accumulated through the years, it seems like every january I write something about the moths gone and what I want from the new year, and my preoccupations are basically the same year after year.
Suddenly on the radio something caught my attention, TODAY IS THE GLOOMIEST DAY OF THE YEAR! because persons like me find themselves that nothing is been done to start with the new objectives, the bills of spendings are coming and every thing seems no caminando.
Yesterday I was talking with Pepe about what I need to acomplish this year, since I'm going to be 40, my objective is a big one, so I put as a dead line octuber, but there are steps that I need to take to get there, and need to put action before it is to late. I took my box with notes and more notes, getting lost in so many things I have accumulated through the years, it seems like every january I write something about the moths gone and what I want from the new year, and my preoccupations are basically the same year after year.
Suddenly on the radio something caught my attention, TODAY IS THE GLOOMIEST DAY OF THE YEAR! because persons like me find themselves that nothing is been done to start with the new objectives, the bills of spendings are coming and every thing seems no caminando.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Queeeeeee flaca!

I feel sorry for the woman behind her. She seems just a soccer fan, if I was her (almost, hahaha), I would be as " happy" as she is: Knowing, you are an extra in pictures around the world and every body got to see you.. as you are.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Caroline ama a Beckham.
OOOOOOOOOh I remember those days in middle school, when you used to write or see your name printed on the walls, boards, benches, what ever surface, just in the expression of love. Personally I hated it, si que lo odiaba! specially when you did not nothing to do with the other person.
But well, this is just a silly introduction to this video of Beckham sleeping, and I thought Caroline would love it.
But well, this is just a silly introduction to this video of Beckham sleeping, and I thought Caroline would love it.
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Lo que falta... y mas.
Ok, here I'm, a little tired, but don't want to let go more days before I post something. So... here you have "algo" from last week or days before.
American girl place, si eres niña y casi nueve, este es el lugar mas emocionante de la tierra.
Bobsleigh champions, papá e hija... ha, ha, ha, Los Martínez.
El punto azul, osea yo.

Old Town y Dia de los Reyes Magos.
Feliz Dia de Reyes, every body had a rosca piece. Thank you Arredonalds for having us and remember: you got the tamales, I put the house... just kidding, I can make tamales too.
El zoo.

El punto azul, osea yo.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Dosmil siete
Ya llego, ya esta aqui, deseamos que todos los lectores, tengan Salud, dinero y amor. En el orden que deseen, que si existen proyectos se logren y que si no los hay, pues mucha creatividad para que lleguen.
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