In almost all mexican recipes written for people in the U.S.A or out-side Mexico, we can find suggestions about how to reemplace the mexican cream in the list of ingredients (in Mexico we didn't know creams were different); because here in the US the cream is sour. The french cream from Altadena, made a good deal, is similar, although the mexican one is a little more sweet. There are some brands like "El Mexicano" with mexican products like cheeses and cream, but I found their cream salty and too liquid, nothing comparable with the real thing. BUT today, the mexican brand "LALA" is offering here its cream as we mexican know it. Last week I bought yoghurt from the same brand, even the kids recognized it, and today happily got the cream... Have you ever heard about loyalty to brands? well, I experience it with this brand, I really felt good about it.
Yummmm...I have food like that from England. Having it here somehow makes you feel at home. I have some custard powder from England that I can't live without! What day is your birthday?
My birthday is octuber 22, I'm going to turn 39, my last in the 30's decade.
ooooooo...wow...a big one!! well, I'm 41 so I'm done with the 30's decade!
Just wondered where to buy La La Crema Mexicana
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